Planning 2018 with the Africa A+ team
The Africa A+ team got together on the 29th January to plan for 2018. The meeting kicked off with a lively discussion. What did we see and notice in 2017? What has worked well and what didn’t? What did we learn? What should we keep doing; what should we do differently? The Africa A+ team then put their heads together and planned the way forward for 2018. Here are some of the ideas the team are taking forward:
⦁ Workshops on a Saturday work well. The school staff are refreshed, there is lots of time to engage with new ideas, and everyone is included (on weekday workshops some educators can’t attend as they have to take care of the children)
⦁ Advocate – Africa A+ has an critical role to play in terms of enabling a quality early education. How do we let everyone know we are here?
⦁ Keep a tight focus on problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and facilitation
⦁ Include primary schools in the 2019 applications for Africa A+ membership
⦁ Document what we do in a way that is accessible to others
⦁ Broaden the Africa A+ facilitation base. Recruit more Xhosa speaking facilitators
⦁ Explore other solutions for co-working e.g. Skype
⦁ Get media savvy. Increase our visibility and do more online
⦁ Develop a funding strategy
⦁ Model behavior we want to see and create a safe space for sharing ideas
⦁ Celebrate diversity
⦁ Involve parents and caregivers