Malungeni Project

Education in South Africa has been in a state of crisis for more than 30 years (Fleisch, 2011, Amnesty International, 2020, Hardman & Veary, 2021). Unfortunately the crisis is at its worst in our most impoverished areas. This includes areas such as 1Malungeni where it is largely a rural community hampered by lack of water, electricity, internet, infrastructural constraints, lack of DSD subsidy and unemployment leading to challenges around access to food and quality of life. Through the sterling work of Dr Spiwo Xapile, infrastructure has been put in place, a feeding scheme, schools built and communities uplifted. With the development of the Malungeni communities, has come a need to
invest in the ECD sector providing quality foundational education. Of the 22 schools that were visited most were established in the 1990s with the most recent started in 2021.

We have more resources for you related to the Malungeni project. Please click on the various links below

Malungeni Baseline Report


Malungeni  News Letter

Malungeni October 2021 Report


Malungeni Field Trip. January 2024